2021/3/30 Update&Maintenance Announcement

2021-03-29 21:11:19

Your Highness,


To provide you with a better gaming experience, all servers of Rise of Queendom will be shut down for maintenance on 3/30/2021 (UTC+8). During the maintenance, we will release the latest game version which enriches multiple gameplays. You will not be able to log in the game during the maintenance. The estimated maintenance duration is 6 hours. And maintenance time may be adjusted according to the actual situation.


Maintenance rewards will be sent by mail after the maintenance.


This update will be contained in a patch, which will be detected and loaded when you log in to the game after the maintenance. 


Maintenance Duration


SEA Servers: 4:00-10:00, 3/30/2021 (UTC+8)

NA Servers: 13:00-19:00, 3/29/2021 (UTC-8)




All servers




1. New HeroZhuge liang

New Scholar hero- Zhuge liang is coming!

Rage SkillPalace Rumors

Large AOE ATK. Taichi effect for both you and your allies

Extra Effects

Skill DMG increases. Taichi effest is stronger.

Active SkillVerbal Attack

Large AOE ATK. Decrease the targets Energy and Vitality.

Extra Effects

The Energy loss effect and Vitality loss effect are stronger.

Active SkillGroup ATK):Sharp Arrows

Small AOE ATK.Obtain Shield effest yourself and transfer targets Shield skills(except debuff immunity)

Extra Effects

Skill DMG increases,the stronger the Shield,the higher the transfer success rate.


2. New Hero SkinForever BegoniaLi Qingzhao

Rage SkillGroup ATK):Heavy Rain

Large AOE ATK. Theres possibility to stun the enemy.Increase your DEF and add DMG-effect to your allies.

Extra Effects

Skill DMG increases.The higher the level,the higher the stun possibility and the RES increased,and the stronger the DMG-effect.

Active SkillSingle ATK):Lonely Shadow

Small AOE ATK .Theres possibility to add buffs,skill DMG,and debuff immunity to your allies.

Extra Effects

Skill DMG increases.The higher the level,the higher the possibility to add buffs.

Active SkillSingle ATK):Lost Dream

Small AOE ATK with Dispel effect. Cage the target and add Shield effect to your allies.

Extra Effects

Skill DMG increases.The higher the level,the higher the Dispel possibility and the stronger the Shield effect.


3. New Gameplay:

Protect Dragon

Work together to defeat the enemies and protect the dragon. The higher the dragons HP, the better the chest rewards! The higher the damage, the better the ranking rewards!

Pagoda Ascending

4. Heir School : Middle school-Grade 5


5. New Costume:


Character Costume

1. Return of Spring

2. Snow Wings

3. Chilly Ink

4. Love kite

5. Spring Kite

Heir Costume

1. Sweet Melody

2. Peaceful Days

New costumes for characters and heirs are coming! Participate in the events and get your preferred ones!


6. New Pet: Chatty


       The clever parrot likes to imitate people.

Chatty will be available after the update. Pay attention to the in-game events. Don’t miss it!



1. There will be a 5-minute maintenance countdown before the maintenance starts, during which you can not do anything in the game. As soon as the maintenance starts, you will not be able to log in the game. Please arrange your time in advance.

2. Please take note of your account, password as well as your server name before the maintenance.

3. Please pay attention to the time of your Banquets and pre-arrange them in case of any unnecessary losses.

4. We appreciate your understanding and support. Please do not hesitate to contact us as following if you have any problems.

Customer Service:GTJ_service@friendtimes.net




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