2021/12/16 Update&Maintenance Announcement

2021-12-15 14:00:00

Your Highness,


To provide you with a better game experience, all servers of Rise of Queendom will be under maintenance on 12/16/2021 (UTC+8). During the maintenance, we will release the latest game version which enriches multiple gameplays. You will not be able to login to the game during the maintenance. The estimated maintenance duration is 7 hours. And maintenance complete time may be adjusted according to the actual situation. Update rewards will be sent by mail after the maintenance.


The latest iOS version of our client is 1.0.6 and Android version is 1.0.8. To provide your highness with a better game experience, we decide to launch a forced Client Version update during this maintenance. Players whose iOS game version below 1.0.6 and Android game version below 1.0.8 will receive an 'update' notice when you log in the game. Players who receive the notice can download the latest game version in App Store or Google Play. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


This update will be contained in a patch, which will be detected and loaded when you log in to the game with the latest client version ( iOS 1.0.6 / Android 1.0.8 ). After the maintenance, your highness just need to download the new patch to enjoy the game.


Maintenance Duration

SEA Servers: 13:30 - 20:30, 12/16/2021 (UTC+8)

NA Servers: 21:30, 12/15/2021 - 04:30, 12/16/2021 (UTC-8)



All servers



1. New Function: Auto-nurse

(1) Entrance: Heir - Babysitter

(2) Unlock Condition: Hire Childe Shao

(3) Including: Auto-bathe, Auto-feed 


2. Limit expansion:

(1) Limit of Advanced Tonic, up to Level Ⅴ.

(2) Layer of Pagoda, up to 400.


3. New Events

(1) Star Pavilion

During the event, Your highness can use Starcatchers to draw rewards of the layer. Once the tagged reward is drawn, the rest of rewards will be granted and the next layer will be entered. The number of Starcatchers each layer requires differs and Starcatchers will be kept after the event.

[ The rules are subject to the display in the game ]


(2) Saint Illusion

During the event, Your highness of Lv.45 or above can send the event gift - Christmas Toy to please different NPC characters. The number of gifts cost each time differs between different characters, different character carries different rewards and different gifts grant different Appeal each time. When Appeal of a character reaches its max, the corresponding rewards will be sent instantly and The characters Patience and rewards will be reset. If the pleasing fails, there will be a Patience countdown for the character. During the countdown, you can continue to please the character to increase Appeal. If the Appeal of a character doesnt reach its max when the countdown ends, the rewards and Appeal of the character will be reset.

[ The rules are subject to the display in the game ]


(3) More Christmas and other festival events

Please pay attention to the in-game events and participate.


4. Costume Rating Adjustment

The rating of Under Siege costume will increase after the update. Your Highness can pay attention to the Flower Love event to get this time-limited costume.


5. New Hero: Cai Wenji, Class Intro: Doctor

- Rage Skill (Group ATK)Deep Patriotism

Large AoE ATK. Create Erode, Decay and Dizzy effects.

- Active Skill (CTRL):Woeful Tune

Small AoE ATK. Decrease enemy ATK and create Confuse and Silence effects.

- Active Skill (CTRL):Mortal Dirt

Small AoE ATK. Decrease enemy ATK, with Dispel and Subdue effects.

[ Please check the skill details in the game. ]


6. New Hero Classic SkinDominance (Wu Zetian)

- Rage Skill (Heal)Holy Seasons

No DMG. Heal allies over time. Create Healing Shields for allies and increase DEF.

- Active Skill (SPT):Dragon Dance

No DMG. Create DMG-, DEF Ignore and Flow effects.

- Active Skill (Heal):Grateful Heart

No DMG. Heal allies. Create Counter and Invincibility effects and increase AGI.

[ Please check the skill details in the game. ]


7. New Pet: Curly

Curly will be available after the update. Pay attention to the in-game events. Don’t miss it!


8. New Ride: Snow Sled and Time-limited ride

Snow Sled and Time-limited ride will be available after the update. Pay attention to the in-game events. Don’t miss it!


9. New Costume

- Character Costume

Deep Affection, Blessed Light, Prosperous Year, Snowy River, Xmas Chant, Wisteria Vine, Snow Crystal, etc.

- Heir Costume

Deep Affection, Prosperous Year, Snowy River, Dulcet Fairy


New costumes for characters and heirs are coming! Participate in the events and get your preferred ones!


10. New Alias, Head Frame, Bubble: Christmas, Deep Affection, Prosperous Year, Snowy River.


11. Optimizations and Bugs fixed

(1) Fix the display problem of Trophy Progress.  

(2) Other optimizations and bugs fixed.



1. There will be a 5-minute maintenance countdown before the maintenance starts, during which you can not do anything in the game. As soon as the maintenance starts, you will not be able to log in the game. Please arrange your time in advance.

2. Please take note of your account, password as well as your server name before the maintenance.

3. Please pay attention to the time of your Banquets and pre-arrange them in case of any unnecessary losses.

4. We appreciate your understanding and support. Please do not hesitate to contact us by In-game customer Service or by following email if you have any problems.

Customer Service: GTJ_service@friendtimes.net


The Rise of Queendom Operation Team


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