[Update Preview] - New Hero Xiang Yu is Coming

2020-04-30 16:08:08

The new hero Xiang Yu is coming ! Shush~ Come quietly and sneak a peek with Luo~

New Hero - Xiang Yu

The great conqueror, Xiang Yu, will be added to the Orange hero pool.


Xiang Yu becomes a Guard with strong DEF in Rise of Queendom. But more than that, Xiang Yu owns skill


Intimidating Hegemon, Crashing Rock and Desperate Shot are skills of this new hero. Sounds confusing? Let me give you a brief introduction.


Intimidating Hegemon (Lv1): Combo DMG to a single target and Shield self to absorb damage.


Crashing Rock (Lv1): Deal DMG to 1 random target, and the target cannot revive if KIA.


Desperate Shot (Lv1): 90% chance to deal DMG to 3 random targets, and 75% chance to Taunt targets

Xiang Yu will definitely be one of the most reliable backup force in your Hero Archive. Dont miss out!


Besides the new Hero, some new events will be held in-game.


Vesak, the annual event is coming. Remember to participate and you may be the one to win new outfit and new Misc items. Go and check the in-game announcement for more details.

New Outfit

Brand new outfit Bodhi Memory is on. Look how gorgeous it is! Cant wait to put it in Luos Wardrobe!


New Misc Items

Join the in-game events to win special Misc items! Be the coolest in the World Channel!


佛陀世尊110.png佛陀世尊 (2).png

New Flowers

Carnations will be added in-game owing to the upcoming Mothers Day. Another choice when expressing your love, right?


Well. No more spoilers~ Please STAY TUNED for the next update! 

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