[Update Preview] Start the New Adventure in Cabinet Mountain

2020-12-21 17:45:00

The new update of Rise of Queendom is coming with the brand new Golden Adventure, Pearl Equipment and the new Orange Hero Li Bai. Follow Luo to find out more!

New Gameplay: Golden Adventure

Legend tells that a fairy buried golden cabinets in the mountain, and there were gleams of gold shining from the mountain top. So people called that mountain Cabinet Mountain.


Your Highness could go to Hunting Ground and find Maji to join the adventure when you reach Lv.115. Different incidents would be triggered according to your choices. The Cabinet Points you obtained can be used to exchange for items in the Cabinet Shop.

Much more stories and rewards are waiting for you to discover in Cabinet Mountain!

New Function: Pearl Equipment

You can quench your Armilla Equipment to the Pearl Equipment and all attributes would be improved.


Pearl Equipment is red quality, it has four gem slots, and the red attributes could be polished to improve your Rating.

New Hero: Li Bai

Li Bai was a Chinese poet who took traditional poetic forms to new heights. In Rise of Queendom,he is an Orange Scholar dealing large AOE ATK.

EN 李白.jpg

Wandering Gods: Large AOE ATK. Add Frenzy effect to yourself.

Delightful Poem: Small AOE ATK. Increase your CRIT rate.

Gold Goblet: Small AOE ATK with Armor Piercing effect (deal extra DMG to the enemy).

Don’t miss this hero with brilliant virtues and powerful skills!

Classic Skin of Mi Yue: Supreme Peony

The glorious skin of Mi Yue has skills to increase the possibility of triggering effects.

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New Pet: Cheesy

Look! There is a cute pet Cheesy coming with its own toy! Luo heard that Cheesy would bring Your Highness fortune~ 


New Outfits:

Luo brought some photos of new outfits coming in this update. Come and take a look~ The method to get these outfits will be announced on official website later!

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EN 风动羽翩跹.jpg

EN 猎猎西风.jpg

EN 微露初乾.jpg

EN 玄霄.jpg


This is the end of the update preview~ The mysterious Cabinet Mountain is waiting for you to explore! Stay tuned!

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